ATTENTION: Your Employees Need Cyber Security Training!

Now Thru The End of the Month...

Get 1 Month of FREE
Cyber Security Training
For Your Staff!

Receive one month of free cyber security awareness training, including info on phishing, ransomware, best practices, and more! This is the same training we give our paid Managed Services clients, and what we use ourselves here at Tekie Geek for our employees!

Sign Up!

Did You Know...

  • Employee errors account for about 70% of all data disasters that happen to small-medium sized businesses.
  • Phishing emails are one of the most common and effective ways scammers and hackers can get into your network.
  • Most small businesses that suffer a data breach without proper security training and backups will close completely within 1 year.


Do your employees use the same password on every company system?

Does your whole staff know how to identify a phishing email?

Does your team use 2FA when logging into their computers at home?

Chances are you might, but your entire staff might not.

Unless you go looking, no one is going to train you to realize that you need to in a cyber emergency.
Here at Tekie Geek, time and time again we get calls from business owners who have suffered from a data breach or ransomware attack, and need help getting all of their company data and private info back.
It's a heartbreaking conversation to have when the business owner realizes not only did this happen because of a lack in employee training, but because they weren't properly prepared beforehand at all.

We don't want to see that happen to you, too.

So now is a great time to put your staff through our Cyber Security Training.

This is the same training we offer to our paid Managed Service clients, and that we give to our staff here at Tekie Geek, too. Cyber security is not a one size fits all sort of thing. Different businesses may need different services and safeguards in place, so watching the training will help you identify areas you may be a little lax in, and realize the risks and what's at stake by not protecting and correcting it.

It's so easy to click a wrong link, download a bad file, login to a fake website.

What's not easy is getting back to business as usual once you're hacked.

Click the button below and get signed up to start our Cyber Security training today!

Sign My Team Up!


Get in touch with a Geek!

Message us today for help with any of your business IT questions and concerns!